MTA Server Info
All the info on all our servers
Our MTA Server Rules:
This section is very simple, so simple in fact that you would have to be completely mental not to be able to abide by them.
1. No Cheating
The Following is deemed as Cheating: Modified handling.cfg, Speed Hack, Flying Hack, Ram Hack, Weapon Hack, Health Hack, and anything else that gives a player an unfair advantage over others.
All cheaters will be Immediately Banned by an admin. No Warnings, No Excuses.
2. No Arseholes
Don't Flame, Don't Abuse, Don't Threaten, Don't Be Racist, Don't Dis-Respect Others.
Anyone Being an Arsehole will Receive either Mute or a BAN depending on the Severity.
3. Be Original
Don't have your In-Game Name as "Player" or "DP2.3" or as a Name of ANY of the Games Characters, Such as CJ, Big_Smoke, Sweet, Ryder and So on, Keep your name Unique, and Don't use one that Others may have.
Anyone using Names such as these will be Immediately Kicked from the server.
4. Don't spam the chat
Don't type messages of nothing but gibberish. Don't YELL IN ALL CAPS. Don't Say your Map Vote, Don't tell other people what to vote for.
If you disobey these rules, you will be Muted, if it continues after an Unmute, you will be banned.
This is a British / Australian Server, Most of the Admins only know ONE LANGUAGE, English, So Speak ONLY Clear English in this server. also Don't speak in 1337, Gangsta, or Idiot speak. As these are classed as not being "CLEAR ENGLISH"
Disobeying these will get you a Mute. if it continues after an Unmute, you will be banned.
(If you speak like a retarded animal, you deserve to be banned.)
6. Have Fun
We expect that you do try to have as much fun as possible, keeping in mind that this is a game, and that you maintain a respectful relationship with all other players regardless as to race, creed, colour, origin, or attitude.
Tip: Lead by example, if others see that you are having fun, they will want to be part of that fun too.
Extra Server Information:
"!Pothole Studios Deathmatch And More! []"
This server is our Primary Deathmatch server, All required Resources are automatically received when you connect.
Contains almost every gamemode available, and even some that are not available!
"!Pothole Studios Racing and Destruction Derby! []"
This is our New Primary Race Server, All required Resources are automatically received when you connect.
Contains 2 Gamemodes. "Race" and "DestructionDerby"
"!Pothole Studios Initial D! []"
This is our New Initial D Drift Server, Running on the latest MTA Version, All required Resources are automatically received when you connect. (and there is a lot)
14 Custom cars, 2 Custom mountains = 100MB!
"Championship Server"
This is our Race Championship Server, featuring a total of 8 Maps and is used primarily for our Race Championships.
"[PS] Clan Tryous Server"
This is a Race Server for testing new Clan Applicants. It consists of a Single Map.
"Pothole Studios Test Server"
This is a server that is used for nothing more than testing scripts / gamemodes / other fun shit.
"Pothole RP Project"
This is a Server that is Under Construction for a MMORPG Style GTA SA Gameplay system.