YFIL - Finley Airport
Here's the airport from my rural hometown.
Click through the screenshots!
Finley Airport (YFIL) for Flight Simulator X.Finley, New South Wales, Australia (2713)
As both the Finley Airport and the town of Finley were both missing from within FSX, I have created an autogen town in the correct place to represent Finley, including the Finley Lake.This mod includes both the Airport and the town.
Airport Information:
Lat/Lng: 35° 39' 30.96" S / 145° 33' 43.34" E -35.658601 / 145.562039Elevation: 375'ft / 114mMSLID / ICAO: YFILRunways: 1Longest: 06-24Asphalt 901m / 2,957ft (Extended recently to 1100m with an added 200m dirt section)
Time Zone: 11UTC (10DST)
This airport is primarily used by Field Air, who operate AirTractor Cropdusters.The airport can also be used by civilians, but is in poor surface condition.
Runway 06/24Dimensions: 901.2 x 22.9m / 2957' x 75'ftSurface: Asphalt
Runway 06aHeading: 060°THLat: 35° 39' 38.25"SLng: 145° 33' 27.75"E
Runway 24bHeading: 240°THLat: 35° 39' 23.67"SLng: 145° 33' 58.92"E
========================================================# Installation #========================================================
Simply copy the following files from this package YFIL_ADEX_DF.bgl YFIL_ADEX_DF_CVX.bgland place them in your "FSX\Addon Scenery\scenery" folder.
Done! - Load up and play!
Need help finding your "FSX\Addon Scenery\scenery" folder?The folder may be in different locations depending on your version.
For Steam Edition you're looking for the following:C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\Addon Scenery\scenery
For other versions, you're probably looking for the following:C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X
===================================================# Credits #===================================================
This airport was built by Daniel Fitzgerald of Pothole Studios 07-October-2019https://www.potholestudios.com
As both the Finley Airport and the town of Finley were both missing from within FSX, I have created an autogen town in the correct place to represent Finley, including the Finley Lake.This mod includes both the Airport and the town.
Airport Information:
Lat/Lng: 35° 39' 30.96" S / 145° 33' 43.34" E -35.658601 / 145.562039Elevation: 375'ft / 114mMSLID / ICAO: YFILRunways: 1Longest: 06-24Asphalt 901m / 2,957ft (Extended recently to 1100m with an added 200m dirt section)
Time Zone: 11UTC (10DST)
This airport is primarily used by Field Air, who operate AirTractor Cropdusters.The airport can also be used by civilians, but is in poor surface condition.
Runway 06/24Dimensions: 901.2 x 22.9m / 2957' x 75'ftSurface: Asphalt
Runway 06aHeading: 060°THLat: 35° 39' 38.25"SLng: 145° 33' 27.75"E
Runway 24bHeading: 240°THLat: 35° 39' 23.67"SLng: 145° 33' 58.92"E
========================================================# Installation #========================================================
Simply copy the following files from this package YFIL_ADEX_DF.bgl YFIL_ADEX_DF_CVX.bgland place them in your "FSX\Addon Scenery\scenery" folder.
Done! - Load up and play!
Need help finding your "FSX\Addon Scenery\scenery" folder?The folder may be in different locations depending on your version.
For Steam Edition you're looking for the following:C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\Addon Scenery\scenery
For other versions, you're probably looking for the following:C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X
===================================================# Credits #===================================================
This airport was built by Daniel Fitzgerald of Pothole Studios 07-October-2019https://www.potholestudios.com